Greenshift 1.0: Upskilling platform for Green Skills focused in the Amazon region of Peru and Bolivia

  GreenShift 1.0: Pioneering Sustainable Development in the Amazon We are thrilled to announce GreenShift 1.0, an innovative project transforming vocational education and training (VET) in the Amazon regions of Peru and Bolivia. This initiative addresses critical challenges in the area, including illegal gold mining, environmental degradation, and socio-economic disparities, Read more…


Eu For YOUth is a cooperation partnership involving organizations from Belgium, Romania, Italy and Slovakia. This project’s vision is to counter Euroscepticism among youth by using art methods, non-formal education, and the model of microlearning, with emphasis on EU common values, the common social and cultural heritage, the principle of Read more…

Digi-breaker plus

DIGI-BREAKER PLUS is a cooperation partnership composed of 6 organizations from 5 countries (BE, BG, IT, LT, SWE) whose aim is to design comprehensive solutions for creating new career opportunities for unemployed adults, through a strategy that aims at widening the adoption of digital guidance services and increasing their establishment Read more…


Abstract Some artists find it hard to fit into this new digital environment and the most recent groundbreaking innovations are even harder to digest. In particular, innovations such as blockchain and associated digital products (cryptocurrencies) started to completely overturn the way many markets operate. Art is no exception. Non Fungible Read more…


Comusyc project will develop a comprehensive and cross-sectoral strategy that will increase the intercultural and transnational dialogue between young people, using creativity and art as fundamental tools for mediating and building bridges. A high number of reports and studies reveal how social marginalization continues to represent a widely diffused phenomenon Read more…


ACTIVET – ACcess To Inclusive Vocational and Educational Training environments As underlined by Cedefop (2019), in presence of a mismatch between the learners’ expectations and the reality of the profession, “work-based training can also be discouraging and lead to drop-out”. This situation could be comprehensibly more challenging for disabled individuals, that Read more…


ANTIDOTE – Alternative Narratives for Tolerance and Intercultural Dialogue to Overcome sTereotypes and spread Equality In today’s Europe, the extremist or populist movements regularly stigmatize migrants and minorities in their political discourse, amalgamating distinct concepts as well as crisis and migration or terrorism and migration, in order to polarize public opinion. Read more…