Eu For YOUth is a cooperation partnership involving organizations from Belgium, Romania, Italy and Slovakia.


This project’s vision is to counter Euroscepticism among youth by using art methods, non-formal education, and the model of microlearning, with emphasis on EU common values, the common social and cultural heritage, the principle of unity and diversity.

Our project is motivated by the most significant challenges that the European Union is facing: the spread of Euroscepticism and the increase of extremist movements across Europe, where young people are the preferred target for manipulation and radicalization.


We chose art, as research and study cases show that it is an effective way for youth to organise experiences and construct ideas about themselves and the world they live in. Moreover, we found that today there is a lack of manuals, tools, and resources to show how to set up art-based activities about European topics. 


Today, Europe is looking to find complementary ways to engage and activate young people in shaping EU youth policies. The traditional communication methods are not straightforward for young people, especially those who live in rural areas, with socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and disadvantaged cultural backgrounds. 


Through our project we aim to activate young people through art-based methods in order to engage them in youth policies, to involve them into society and to promote EU values. We will use methods such as painting/printing, handcrafting, tailoring, photography, theatre, dance (flashmob), because art is the most effective tool to express ideas in the current society.

Young people will tell their stories expressing what they think about the European Union and its values. 

Project results:
