MaYFAir is a consortium composed by 9 organization from 4 countries. In each country involved is represented 1 Vet provider involved in certification system + 1 Vet Mobility Charter owner. Moreover, there is Unitelma University to guarantee the scientific value of the project’s results and to certify the MaYFAir specialization, with legal recognition at European level.
MaYFAir design, develop and tests a methodological kit and a MOOC for mobility promoters, aimed at implementing strategies for supporting the internationalization of VET providers, through the recognition, design and validation of the LO derived by WBL abroad mobility. Accordingly, MaYFAir, develops and tests methodological tools aimed at strengthening the synergy among ECVET-(EQF)-NQFs, with the aim of favoring the link between national qualifications, capitalized mobility loans, NF/IF learning recognition. This link make it possible the capitalization of ECVET credits, both for the prosecution of the studies, which will follow to a previously recognition of the individual competences, in order to obtain all the necessary skills to achieve the whished standardized professional qualifications, and for the easier working reallocation through the access to certification of non-formal and informal standardized professional qualification referable to NQFs.
The name of the consequent qualification acquired by participant is “Method expert for the transparency and validation of learning deriving from mobility in WBL”, and steams from the principle shared by ECVET and NQFs systems, which are both focused on the description of achieved LO. Building a system to recognize, design and certify LO acquired during WBL abroad mobility means recognizing a right to people, guaranteeing them more employment opportunities, also at international level.
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for VET