
Some artists find it hard to fit into this new digital environment and the most recent groundbreaking innovations are even harder to digest. In particular, innovations such as blockchain and associated digital products (cryptocurrencies) started to completely overturn the way many markets operate. Art is no exception. Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based digital objects which can be associated with art items to certify their uniqueness, therefore preventing multiple copies and increasing their value (for digital art) and accounting for authenticity (for physical art). The project aims at making these new exciting technologies fully available to artists in the field of comics. By helping artists in building up new skills, the project aims at increasing their competitiveness in an increasingly technological market where they risk exclusion and marginalization if they stick to traditional means of production and marketing. The project also meets New Technology priority, as made clear by the focus on NFTs which has recently turned the art market upside down and aims at contributing to the Sustainability priority as well, in that it wants to further the use of greener blockchain-related products, as compared to the current, energy-consuming ones.



Main results
  1. Marketplace: a trading platform where comic artists and illustrators can publish their drawings, sketches and original plates to be sold and purchased as Non-Fungible Tokens;
  2. Green currency: an Ethereum-based token to be used as a low-energy currency for purchasing on the marketplace while contributing to keep energy consumption under control;
  3. Massive Open Online Course: a comprehensive MOOC to train comic artists and illustrators on how to use the above project results in a fair and revenue-generating way.
  4. Download the D4 project Deliverable (MOOC) to know more about the Marketplace and learn how to use it
  5. Download the D5 project Deliverable to (Green Cryptocurrency) know more about the Jar Token and learn how to use it
  6. Download the D6 project Deliverable (Platform) to know more about the Marketplace and learn how to use it
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